The review process
The review process
Peer Review
The procedure for peer review of a scientific article involves its evaluation according to the following main criteria:
informativeness and relevance of the title;
correspondence of the content of the article to its title;
presence of scientific novelty;
completeness of the material presentation;
correctness of the research methodology definition and application;
validity of the conclusions;
theoretical and practical significance of the work.
The manuscripts are first reviewed by the editor (executive secretary) to assess their consistency with the theme and requirements of the scientific and practical collected volume.
After the decision of the editor (executive secretary), the manuscripts are sent to the experts – specialists in the relevant field.
The review is blind (the author and the reviewer do not know each other). Double review is possible. Deadline is up to 14 days.
After receiving a response from the reviewer (to publish without changes; to publish , subject to further revision of the article by the author; to publish after significant revision of the article by the author; to reject the article as a whole), in case of comments, the article is sent to the author for revision, after which a second blind review is conducted.
If the editorial board has decided to publish a scientific article, further work is carried out in accordance with the technological process of preparing the issue of the scientific and practical collected volume "Forensic Herald".