Ethics of publications and collaboration with authors
Ethics of publishing and cooperation with authors
The scientific and practical collected volume "Forensic Herald" ensures that the readers are informed about the results of scientific research carried out in research institutions and higher education institutions of Ukraine and other countries of the world.
The State Scientific Research Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as the publisher of the scientific and practical collected volume "Forensic Herald", makes a decision on the publication of an article consideringthe subject matter of the article, scientific significance and relevance of the submitted materials.
Editorial board of the scientific and practical collected volume "Forensic Herald"
performs the selection of articles submitted for publication in the collected volume and the formation of the editorial portfolio of regular issues of the publication;
controls the proper scientific level of the published material;
ensures publicity and openness in reflecting the scientific issues of research teams of research institutions laboratories of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as well as other institutions and higher education institutions;
prevents discrediting of intellectual standards;
provides the necessary explanations, reviews, makes suggestions, comments on the content and presentation form of scientific material, and, if necessary, returns the article to the author for revision.
Authors of scientific articles
are fully responsible for the accuracy of the material presented and its originality, selection and accuracy of the facts, quotes, proper first and last names, other information, accuracy and correctness of the abstract in English, as well as for the fact that the materials provided do not contain information that is not subject to disclosure;
in accordance with the comments of the editorial board and reviewers, eliminate all shortcomings of the scientific articles;
submit articles for publication in the collected volume independently, without involving third parties.
Articles submitted in violation of the specified requirements, which are available on the collected volume website in the section "For Authors", will not be accepted for publication. The unconditional basis for rejecting an article is the fact of plagiarism detected by the editorial board.
The author of the scientific work (article) guarantees that the content of the article is original, does not contain borrowings without appropriate reference or prior approval;
the article has not been previously published or submitted to other publications, in particular, electronic ones, for consideration for publication;
the article is not a reworking of previously published articles, contains new material or a new scientific understanding of already known material;
the article does not contain materials that, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, are not subject to publication in the public domain, and its publication will not lead to the disclosure of restricted information (confidential information, state secrets);
the names of all co-authors of the written scientific work (article) are indicated in the article; no person who is not a co-author of the written scientific work (article) is included in it, and all co-authors of the written scientific work (article) got aquainted with the final version of the article, approved it and gave their consent to its publication.
The editorial board has the right to post the published articles of the scientific and practical collected volume on the web portal of the State Scientific Research Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in the repository of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, as well as on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky, on the website of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, at Google Scholar site.
Articles in the collected volume are published free of charge.
The editorial board does not return the original articles (manuscripts) to the authors.