regulatory support, expert assessment of the cost, amber samples, gemological examination, methodology for determining the cost, object of expert research.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the current regulatory framework and identify gaps in the legislation in the context of improving gemmological and consumer value assessment of individual amber samples, to formulate appropriate recommendations. Methodology. The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the use of a set of general scientific and special research methods. In particular, with the help of the dialectical method as a general method of cognition, the object composition of samples of organogenic origin in raw materials, untreated and processed form for different types and methods of expert research has been singled out. Due to the application of methods of systematic and comparative analysis, formal logic, analogy, generalization and classification in the context of the formation of the value of individual samples of amber modern problems of regulatory support of this area of relations are shown; features of modern expert evaluation systems are revealed. Scientific novelty. The classification of objects of gemmological and commodity forensic examinations, presented by general, generic and direct levels, is developed. Gaps in the current legislation in the field of valuation of individual amber samples are revealed, their elimination on the basis of the author's method of gemmological and consumer indicators is offered. Conclusions. In the context of the outlined issues, it is proved that the legal support of amber valuation needs significant improvement: first of all, coordination of positions of subjects of independent and forensic gemmological examination, which due to ambiguity of legal basis use different methods and techniques which affects the expert opinions (results). It is also time to interpret and systematically apply, given the intersectoral links, terms (such as: «value of amber»; «market prices for precious stones»; «valuation of objects of examination at regulatory price indicators»; «invoice cost»; «estimated cost»; «estimated value»; «commercial value»). In addition, the terminology needs to be standardized in accordance with modern norms of the Ukrainian language. The peculiarities of modern systems for expert evaluation of amber samples value are revealed. Recommendations are formulated for improving the legal basis of expert support for the formation of the value of individual amber samples in the field of general expert evaluation, evaluation of rare and unique samples, classification of groups of samples in evaluation methods.