forensic document science, forensic technical examination of documents, forensic handwriting examination, determining the age of the document, scientific and methodological principles for determining the age of the document, research methods, research methodology, integrated approach, specialized knowledge.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to identify current trends in the further formation of scientific and methodological principles for determining the age of a document in the context of the main milestones in the development of criminology. Methodology. The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the use of a set of general scientific and special research methods. In particular, with the help of the dialectical method as a general method of cognition the issues of the topic were considered in dynamics. Their interrelation and interdependence were revealed. Through the application of system and historical analysis methods, formal logic, abstraction and analogy, generalization and classification in the context of the main milestones in the development of forensic science,
the stages of formation of scientific and methodological principles for determining the age of the document are outlined. The main trends of their improvement are characterized. Perspective directions of expanding the possibilities of forensic examination of documents, in order to determine the age of the document are highlighted. Scientific novelty. An attempt to briefly characterize the current trends in the formation of scientific and methodological principles was made through the prism of history for determining the age of the document in the context of the main milestones in the development of criminology. Conclusions. The stages of the development of forensic records management, the formation of scientific and methodological foundations of the study of documents in order to determine their age are highlighted. They are conventionally designated in the context of the main milestones in the development of forensic science by three large periods: the emergence and formation of the foundations of forensic knowledge (until the end of the 19th century); the formation and development of forensics as a science (late 19th century – late 70s of the 20th century) differentiation of forensic knowledge and the formation of the foundations of independent scientific disciplines within it (from the end of the 70s of the 20th century). It is emphasized that at the present stage of development of forensic document science research conducted to determine the age of the document is based on a thorough scientific and methodological work on individual details, primarily made of ballpoint pen pastes, stamp inks. Instead, scientific and methodological support for the study of other details and parts of the document requires in-depth study, practical testing, as well as the introduction of an integrated approach and use of special knowledge, various analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents, including a combination of methods and techniques of forensic handwriting and technical research documents. Perspective directions of expansion of possibilities of forensic examination of documents for the purpose of determination of their age are: deepening of their complexity; using of special knowledge, various analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents; developing non-destructive methods; automating and computerizing processes of application of methods; algorithmization of research processes.