state institution, forensic expertise, forensic activity, customer of expert services, digitalization, electronic services, chat botAbstract
The purpose of the article is the formation of new theoretical provisions and development of the existing ones, as
well as opportunities for the use of electronic services as a means of communication of expert institutions with customers and providing proposals and practical recommendations. Methodology. To investigate the organizational and
technical provisions and principles of introducing modern means of communication the dialectical method was use
as the principal one. It allowed to consider the subject of the article in the totality and the relationship of its components. In addition, the tasks set to achieve the goal were solved by using a set of general scientific and special methods,
including formal and logical ones (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction), the system and
structural one as well as legal comparison. The results of the investigation are based on the generalization of information on current trends in the development of communication in state institutions, in particular in the units of the
Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Scientific novelty. The necessity of creating a system of interaction of
expert institutions with customers of expert services on the platform of chat bots has been substantiated, the sequence
of such interaction has been offered. Conclusions. The need to optimize the communication between the subjects of
forensic activity is justified by the organizational and legal features of forensic examinations. The experience of using
chat bots by state institutions and public organizations has been generalized. It testifies to the convenience of services
that correspond to the best practices. The advantages of this means of communication have been outlined, which
makes it a full-fledged intangible asset. The risks are that chat bots need to be used properly and they do not solve
complex problems. The system of interaction of expert institutions with service customers has been developed and
the sequence of such interaction has been proposed. The service menu (bot) provides options: «My documents», «My
messages». Suggestions and recommendations for the usage of chat bots in expert institutions as a means of communication have been provided.